Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Top Visual Keyword Research Tools

Hi friend.. :)

As the SEO industry grows the number of keyword research tools grows along with it too. There are tens, if not hundreds, of keyword research tools and extensions utilising search engine APIs to present the user with all possible synonyms and relevant keywords.

One of the recent trends in keywords research tools development includes making the results more pleasant for the eye. They still use the same Google, Yahoo or other search engine’s API, but they can present the query output in a nice and logical way, particularly useful for those who prefer to see a visual representation of the data. Here are some of the best ones out there right now.

Visual Keyword Research Tool No. 1 – Keyword Eye

Very visual and useful keyword research tool showing the results in a tag cloud where keywords with higher number of monthly searches are displayed bigger and in different colours.

The monthly search volume is shown when you hover over the keyword. You can also add the keyword to the right hand side panel and then export all keywords to csv, excel or text file.

The keyword research tool also includes a 3D view of the results tag cloud.

Visual Keyword Research Tool No. 2 – Thesaurus

Although Thesaurus is not the first keyword research tool you would think of, it has a nice feature called Visual Thesaurus which is an interactive tool that allows you to discover the connections between words in a visually captivating display. Word maps let you search for just the right word and then explore related concepts, revealing the way words and meanings relate to each other. It’s a word-lover’s delight, with more than 145,000 words and 115,000 meanings organized in an innovative and intuitive design.

Visual Keyword Research Tool No. 3 – Google Wonder Wheel
Just search Google for anything and switch the standard view to Wonder wheel view on the left.

Useful visual keyword research tool which allows you to see relevant search results to your query in a unique semantically relevant and graphically design way.

Visual Keyword Research Tool No. 4 – Google Trends

Google Trends is not a keyword research tool as such, but it provides extremely useful visual representation of the number of Google searches for the particular keyword during the chosen period of time. We found it very useful when planning the SEO strategy, especially for retail and travel ecommerce clients – you can easily spot when people search for holidays, resort destinations or specific gifts.

Visual Keyword Research Tool No. 5 – Google Sets

Google Sets is an experimental keyword tool at Google labs that creates sets of items based on a couple of seed keywords. You simply enter one or several words and the tool generates a list of related terms.

Visual Keyword Research Tool No. 6 – Microsoft adCenter Labs Keyword Research

This tool forecasts the impression count and predicts demographic distributions of keywords. Enter keywords separated by semi-colons and click the submit button.

Visual Keyword Research Tool No. 7 – SEO Keyword Tag Cloud Generator

This tool can be used to analyse keyword placement and frequency on any website. It displays a 3D tag cloud for each of the ‘SEO-sensitive’ areas of the page, e.g. different tag cloud for meta keywords, image titles, page titles, headings, etc.

You can read more about Pod1’s SEO Services London and general ecommerce design offered by Pod1.

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